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Preparing students for college in a safe, healthy and caring environment with a focus on STEM education that will result in academic excellence, continuous learning and responsible accountable citizens.
We raise free-thinking individuals who value integrity, show respect, and are responsible citizens and leaders in their communities.
We have embraced a PreK-16 educational model to realize the vision that drives the Dove community: College ready, career ready, life ready!
Our STEM-focused curriculum brings Dove students one step closer to becoming the leaders and pioneers of the future world!
- Lucio Juarez
Dove has helped me dream very big. They don't just tell you to set big goals, but they help you set those goals and then achieve those goals. I will be attending Princeton University on a full-ride scholarship.
- Class of 2023
- Christine Caliendo
Dove to me means a quality education. With their focus on STEM subjects, my son excels in science and math. I feel that with their hands-on approach, they will help him succeed in his goals.
- Parent
- Ayoube Soulane
My favorite activity at school is going to drone club because I learn to fly drones and it’s very fun.
- Class of 2032
- Alexis Martinez
Dove to me means structure, unity, development, a never-ending process... It means that everyday I'm here, I learn something new.
- Class of 2012 & Assistant Principal
- James Hendricks
You see "college" everywhere: you see it in the hallways, you hear it from teachers, you hear it at events. That's what I like most about Dove.
- Parent
- Madeleine Freeman
The skills and lessons that I learned at Dove are what allowed me to lay the foundations for a successful future, and to graduate from Yale University.
- Class of 2017
- Martha Aguayo
I feel comfortable dropping off my kids knowing that they're going to be well taken care of. I highly appreciate this because it isn't something I used to have. Dove was the best choice we could have made.
- Parent
- Kira Haddad
What I love about my school is making robots in STEM class. Lots of them! I’m proud of everybody in my school and what they are capable of.
- Class of 2031
- Ruth Sanchez
I take great pleasure in my role at Dove, as our institution fosters a rigorous learning atmosphere that promotes both character development and academic achievement for our students.
- Teacher
- Miriam Ortega
The amount of knowledge and opportunities that were given to me at Dove shaped me to be able to give back to my community.
- Class of 2012
- Justine & Joshua Means
Dove cares about our kids' learning environment at home so that they can better help them at school.
- Parents
- Jessica Urbonas
What I love about Dove is the amazing culture and the sense of community. It's been a joy to teach siblings over the years and build lasting relationships with families. Watching our students thrive is something I cherish!
- Principal
- Angelique Rivera
Dove's opportunities for robotics and drones allowed me to work hands-on, and this has made me realize that I want to pursue engineering.
- Class of 2025